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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mommy's Photo Shoot!

We had a dozen roses that were almost dead so I had a crazy idea to let Kendra go at them while I took pictures. We had so much fun :)! Then she even got Alex involved and was letting him smell one too! It was so cute!! Don't you just love the little chubby hands and feet?
We just have too much fun together! I love being a mom!!


Blogger Ans&Al said...

these are awesome!! i love them all and alex is SO cute too! you should start a photography business.

9/23/2006 09:15:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

It's funny you said that about the photography business b/c I am praying about doing just that :)! Chris and I already do videography, and might add on photography too (Lord willing). Thanks for that encouragement!!

9/25/2006 03:08:00 PM  
Blogger Troy & Sherry said...

Great Job! Alyssa! What cute pictures! I can't believe she is getting so grown up! Love you and miss you!

9/28/2006 10:09:00 AM  

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