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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Such a Big Girl!

We just took Kendra for her 10 month check-up yesterday, and she is now 20 pounds and 29 1/2 inches long. Wow! The miracle of children is so amazing! I remember my parents saying, "you're growing up way too fast!", and now I know what they meant.

She is also done with her bottle, and baby food! YEAH! She is now taking her formula in her big girl sippy cup, and is eating big girl food. We thought it might take a while for us to train her with her sippy cup because she LOVES her bottle, but she surprised us and loves her cup!

Once we figure out how to post video on here, we will show you all her new "tricks" :)! What a joy she is!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't keep looking at these pictures - I won't get any work done! Then again, why would anyone want to do anything else with such a cutie!


5/05/2006 02:40:00 PM  

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