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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Veggie Tales Play Doh!

Kendra just loves to play with her Veggie Tales Play Doh set!! Chris had to hide it in the closet for a while so we don't hear Kendra saying "Bob, Bob, Bob..."non stop :)!
It is the cutest play doh set though! It came with so many neat things, and the play doh will actually look like Veggie Tales (not like my play doh sets when I was a kid)!
Maybe I will get it out of the closet again this week one day...we'll see! She does do well with it though. None has gone into her mouth for too long yet!:)

We are going to try Art class at Gymboree this week, so that will be fun too! I will see if I can post some of those pics later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is really cool! I have never seen Veggie Tales Play Doh before! Where did you get it? Brooklyn would love it! =)

2/05/2007 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

Family Christian Bookstore...it is neat! All the play doh and pieces etc. come in a Big Bob Face, and opens from the bottom. It is so cute! I think it was $20

2/05/2007 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool!! I will have to go there and check it out! Thanks! =) Love you guys!!

2/05/2007 09:50:00 PM  

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