Wentzel Weekly

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Count Down to Myrtle Beach!
Daisypath Ticker

Monday, June 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to Kendra! She's ONE!

Yes, it is so hard to believe it, but Kendra is one! We had such an awesome first birthday party for her yesterday, on June 25th. I will definitely post some pictures of her with her cake and presents once I develop them. Yes, I chose to shoot with film for her party!
But, for now here are some new pictures of her just taken today.
We love you all!
Chris, Alyssa, & Kendra Grace

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Father's Day, 2006

We had a wonderful Father's Day together with Chris and Papi! The dads chose Fuddruckers as their place to eat for lunch. Chris and Papi thoroughly enjoyed their burgers while Kendra had a yummy grilled cheese and some of Aunt Caryl's chicken fingers.
We tried to get a whole family shot, but the one moment we all had together was the same time the battery on the camera decided to die. So, the only picture of the majority of us is posted here with Chris, Kendra, and I with Nana!
We will have to take an updated family shot for Kendra's birthday party which we are going to have on Sunday, June 25th. Yes, it is so hard to believe that Kendra is almost one already. This Friday to be exact!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Flower Girl!

Kendra was a beautiful flower girl for her Uncle Matt & Aunt Lindsay's wedding. She was such a trooper. She got by without even having an afternoon nap, and we all know how much Kendra loves her naps!
The whole way down the aisle she was trying to eat Daddy's flower. I got choked up watching Chris carry her down the aisle b/c all I could think of was one day when Daddy will walk her down the aisle to give her away. Cherish the Moments!!!
What a beautiful wedding, and what a blessing it was to be a part of it!

I Love Being Able to Walk!!!

Kendra has been officially DONE with crawling for about a month now. She has become a great walker :). One of her favorite things (seen here in the picture of her with the chair) is to push chairs (or whatever else she can) around the house.
She also loves to walk everywhere holding her sippy cup. She does quite well walking and drinking at the same time now too. Amazing baby, huh? :)
She is keeping us busy that is for sure! Oh, so active, and sooo much fun!

She keeps us laughing daily too. On Monday, we were all eating dinner and Kendra was having a hard time being patient! What's new? :) So, my mom (Kendra's Nana) started singing the "Be Patient" song to her. Now, my mom is tone deaf (and she knows it, sorry Nana :)), so it was quite the vocals. We all are used to it, but Little Miss Kendra is still growing accustomed to Nana's singing.
I guess Kendra was finished hearing the song so she decided to cover both of her ears with her hands and of course gave us all a big smile! We all had a good laugh, and of course wished we had it on camera to win 10,000 dollars :)!

Kendra's First Zoo Trip!

We took Kendra to the zoo about a month ago, and I am just having a chance (or I should say making time) to post a new blog. Sorry, it has taken me so long, but it is wedding season, and our business is swamped! Praise the Lord for that, though. I am not complaining in the least bit!
For Kendra's first zoo trip, she had a ball! Her expression when she saw her very first animal there (the elephant) was priceless! I have posted that picture. She was stunned :).
As you can see in the picture of her HUGE yawn on the way back home, she had a great day!
We will have to go again soon!