Wentzel Weekly

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Count Down to Myrtle Beach!
Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Such a Big Girl!

We just took Kendra for her 10 month check-up yesterday, and she is now 20 pounds and 29 1/2 inches long. Wow! The miracle of children is so amazing! I remember my parents saying, "you're growing up way too fast!", and now I know what they meant.

She is also done with her bottle, and baby food! YEAH! She is now taking her formula in her big girl sippy cup, and is eating big girl food. We thought it might take a while for us to train her with her sippy cup because she LOVES her bottle, but she surprised us and loves her cup!

Once we figure out how to post video on here, we will show you all her new "tricks" :)! What a joy she is!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Kendra's First Steps

We have a prodigy on our hands!!! At just 10 months old, she is quoting scripture and spelling words like superchalofragelistic from the dictionary. Just kidding, but she is an amazing child. As of last night, she is now taking up to 3 steps on her own. She is absolutely hilarious, and is still extremely talkative!We took her out to eat with us last night, and she just about jumped out of my arms when she saw that there were balloons in the restaurant. Yes, balloons are her favorite thing right now, and freaks out everytime she sees them. I am working on getting some video up so that everyone can see her in action so just keep holding, on the video is coming!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Our first family blog!

Hey everyone! Lyss and I are trying to find out different ways to make sure that no one misses out on Kendra's day to day changes and just how much fun she is! So.... we created a blog spot that everyone can come to to not only get updates but to leave each other notes and tell us what is going on also so we can keep up with the "jones's"(Wentzel's). I am not 100% sure how this thing works and if we can put pictures up or not but I will keep working at it. Love everyone and I hope you all enjoy! Notice the southern "you all" thrown in there! We have been excepted as honorary southerners.
