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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Waving to the Airplanes!

Kendra just loves living by the airport b/c she gets to see airplanes everyday! When she was younger, she wasn't so sure about the loud noise of them. So, I started making a game of it to make it fun for her. I always told her to wave at them instead! Now as soon as she hears one, she is waving :)!


Blogger carissa said...

I loved looking at your entire blog tonight :) I've been "out of touch" for about 6 wks now. Our internet's back and kickin'....great pictures of your beautiful girl. Her eyes would melt my heart :)

11/16/2006 10:16:00 PM  
Blogger Ans&Al said...

So sweet! I love her outfit...adorable!

11/18/2006 11:57:00 PM  

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