Wentzel Weekly

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Count Down to Myrtle Beach!
Daisypath Ticker

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to Great Gram Corey!!!

Kendra was being such a ham the other day that I was snapping pictures like crazy. She was playing Peek A Boo around the pillar on the front porch over and over again, and smiling bigger each time. She was laughing at her foot that she would have in the air behind her too. I wish I had a good picture to show that. But, the picture was so cute that I made it a Birthday card for her Great Gram Corey. Happy Birthday, Grams! We love you!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Friend & Family Test! Try it!!

Create your own Friend Test here

Picture Shoot..."oh boy!"

Well, we tried again, Devon:)! Trying to get a cute picture of the two girls together is so hard!!! Devon and I enjoyed the moment, but Chris wasn't so sure it was something to laugh at:)! Each time Kendra would be smiling and cute, Hannah wouldn't be, and then when Hannah was ready, Kendra was "all done" as she would say:).
So all we could do was say, we'll try again another day. These are the only two decent pictures I got. April 3rd, we are going to try again for Easter shots. We are going to Kids Shots because they have real bunnies. We are going to try and find matching Easter dresses for them to wear...how fun:)!

Visit from Grandpa & Grandma Wentzel

We had such a great visit with Chris' parents when they came. It was such a nice break from the Michigan weather for them too! I think some of the things we will never forget are: #1: BUBBLES!!! Right, Grandma?:) #2: The chicken taking a bite on Kendra's finger at the zoo:), and #3: "Browns" from Chik-fila. We enjoyed going downtown, and of course...Stevie B's Pizza Buffet!
What a great time! Thanks for coming to see us...WE LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"Wanna be like Mommy"!

We were getting ready to go to Gymboree class this morning when Kendra requested to wear her sunglasses like mommy:). So daddy wanted to snap a picture before we headed out the door. Kendra is our little poser now for pictures. We say "Look at daddy", and she even cocks her head while saying cheese:)lol...what a riot!

What a fun kid! Oh, and she had a new boy in her class today, and let me just say he was quite the bully. Kendra gave him her angry eyebrows a few times, but no one was hurt:)!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Time for an update

My good friend, Karis kindly let me know today that I needed to update our blog. So, I am doing so. Yes, they are wedding pictures because I must say that has been our life for quite some time now (no complaints!). We love it!! For those of you who do not know what we do, you can go to www.cinematicimpressions.com to see:). I must say it is truly a blessing from the Lord to be able to both work from home, and love what we do.

I also am patiently waiting for the new pictures of Grandpa and Grandma Wentzel's visit here last week. Chris put them on his laptop, but I cannot transfer them to the computer I use for blogging until he puts them onto a CD, and yes, he is a hair busy:) (again no complaints!)

We thank the Lord for the 20+ events we have coming up this summer. Praise God! Our books are filling up.

I do have some quick Kendra news too for those who are still reading:). She said her first complete sentence yesterday. And I must say that it is one that just melts my heart every time she says it..."I Love You". I will have to try and post video of it soon (in our spare time:)).

Love and miss you all!