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Friday, March 16, 2007

Time for an update

My good friend, Karis kindly let me know today that I needed to update our blog. So, I am doing so. Yes, they are wedding pictures because I must say that has been our life for quite some time now (no complaints!). We love it!! For those of you who do not know what we do, you can go to www.cinematicimpressions.com to see:). I must say it is truly a blessing from the Lord to be able to both work from home, and love what we do.

I also am patiently waiting for the new pictures of Grandpa and Grandma Wentzel's visit here last week. Chris put them on his laptop, but I cannot transfer them to the computer I use for blogging until he puts them onto a CD, and yes, he is a hair busy:) (again no complaints!)

We thank the Lord for the 20+ events we have coming up this summer. Praise God! Our books are filling up.

I do have some quick Kendra news too for those who are still reading:). She said her first complete sentence yesterday. And I must say that it is one that just melts my heart every time she says it..."I Love You". I will have to try and post video of it soon (in our spare time:)).

Love and miss you all!


Blogger Kelly said...

I checked out the web site and was quite impressed with your work. How fun to be working with your hubby. I wish I had something like that for my wedding.

I was just thinking about working together in the mornings at the snack shop. Couldn't you just go for one of those steamers that we always got. You were always so fun to work with. I am so glad to get reaquainted with you again.

3/19/2007 03:14:00 PM  

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