Wentzel Weekly

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Count Down to Myrtle Beach!
Daisypath Ticker

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Wanna Be Like Daddy!!

Kendra was cracking us up yesterday wanting to prance around the house in Daddy's jeans. She was in the bedroom trying to put them on herself, but then decided to call to us for help:). So, Daddy showed her how to hold them up by the pockets, and she ran around falling into everything giggling the whole time. I should've had the video camera, but sometimes the digital is easier to grab quick:).

Looking at these pictures reminded me of the song by Philips Craig and Dean...
I want to be like HIM, cause she wants to be like me! I love that song! ( I know it is he wants to be like me, but I had to change it up:))!

Family Weekend!!

It has been so nice to not have to film a wedding this weekend! We blocked this weekend off for the family reunion in MI, but we had the wrong date:). So, we still kept it open to just be able to spend time with family. It has been great!

We went out last night with Matt and Lindsay to Olive Garden, and then to Brusters for some yummy ice cream. Matt was riding Kendra's new fish while we were at the house too. He was almost as fast as Kendra:)!!

Today we went to pick up a Little Tikes Kitchen set for Kendra with her money from Grandma and Grandpa Wentzel for her birthday! I found it on my favorite site (yes, Craigslist:))!!! She just loves it! I am so glad we could find one for a good deal for her. Thank you so much, Grandpa & Grandma!

Tonight we are going to go see Ratatouille with her. We are looking forward to that too. It has just been a blessing to spend time with family!

Oh, and the other picture is from last night before Kendra went to bed. She wanted to sit with me while the Hello Kitty innertube was wrapped around us. She is so funny:).

Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Fishing" with Daddy!

Last night we took a break from work, and took Kendra out for a "special treat" to Brusters for ice cream. They have a neat thing they do there for kids under a certain height. FREE ICE CREAM with sprinkles and eyes. So the whole way there Kendra was saying, "Special treat with sprinkles and eyes!!" She is talking so much now it amazes us! She reached two, and says words we didn't even know she knew. She surprises us every day with more words!

Last night it was, "Air, please, daddy", and "Fireworks", and "Napkin, please"! She was asking for the air conditioner to be turned on in the car b/c she was hot. Then before we left we were talking about going to get fireworks for our 4th BBQ, and she must've overheard us, so on the way to get ice cream all of a sudden she said, "fireworks, too!" :) And then as we were eating dinner she said, "Napkin, please!" So her vocabulary is growing faster than we can even keep track of! She is doing well!!

But before we even left, she wanted to open her special birthday present that Daddy got her (her very own princess fishing pole). She had been waiting for daddy to open it with her. So they went out in the front yard and went fishing. Kendra did very well for her first time! She would reel in all by herself, and even tried to cast alone. "WATCH OUT, DADDY!!!!":) lol
We are planning on taking her out to the lake this weekend for some real fishing!!!

Oh, mommy tried once with her too, and I got it caught in the tree...that is what she is pointing at:)! Daddy got it out though! "Good job, Daddy!"

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Playing at the Park!

We went to the park with Hannah and Devon today, and had so much fun. Hannah is such a cutie! She was in such a happy mood. I loved snapping some new pictures of her today too. That is in between making sure Kendra didn't slip and fall as she was climbing everything!!! She loved this playground! She kept hanging from the bar (too high off the ground for my comfort) while saying "I'm a monkey!" It was so funny. Aunt Devon kept giving her big high fives for being such a brave girl:). Yes, Kendra has very few fears:).

Then she found a huge stick that she was so proud of finding saying, "LOOK, LOOK!!!". It was bigger than her:). She also was very excited about wearing her tennis shoes so sand didn't get in them today. She kept pointing to them, and telling Aunt Devon that she was wearing "Nike shoes!"

Thanks for playing today, Devon and Hannah! We love you both so much!! We hope you have a nice vacation.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Birthday Shirt!

Kendra got so many cute clothes for her birthday! The video last night showed one (from Aunt Lindsay & Uncle Matt), and this one today is from Nana & Papi! I think I love new clothes for Kendra more than myself now:)! It is so fun! Thanks again everyone for all the cute new clothes, and jammies.

We went to the zoo today, and the camera had a dead battery which I didn't realize until we got there, so I will have to take it on our next zoo trip. We are planning a family weekend this weekend since we don't have a wedding for once...Yea! So maybe we will all go together then.

Kendra's favorite thing to do today at the zoo was run through the mist. Her hair was dripping when I finally pulled her away from it:). She kept running through it giggling, and was also covering the hole with her finger where the water comes out cracking herself up:)! It was cute. Wish I had my camera. Next time:)!

Presents from the north! No not Santa!

Kendra absolutely loved all of her toys that she got from you guys! She was more worried about her new "geckos" than the money for her new swing set that I am going to build for her. We wish you guys could have been here for her party but we know the distance makes that a little bit difficult. Next years reunion is the same weekend as her birthday so we will get to spend the next birthday in Michigan. Thanks again for all of her toys and as you can see in her video she had a ton of fun opening them up. We love you guys!

P.S. As some of you don't know and can see in the video I work at pizza hut whenever I am able, delivering pizzas.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kendra's 2 Year Party!!!

Wow! What a celebration we had!


14 adults, and 4 kids ranging from 7 months to 4 years old, oh, correction (as Matt reminded me:)), 5 kids ranging from 0- 4 years old. Sorry, baby Elle! I cannot wait to see what you look like!!:) She will be here so soon!!! yea!

Kendra jumping into her pool fully clothed ready for her party. Hair was curled, cute outfit on, and ready to go. She decided she needed to cool down, so she dove right in:).

Posing for Chris after she jumped into her pool for pictures:).

Her eyebrows after I pulled her wet shirt off:)lol (I had to get a picture of that:))

Her water logged diaper...wow! can those diapers hold a lot of water!

The craziness of having 14 adults over, and 4 kids ranging from 7 months old up to 4 years!

All her many special presents!! Dora Magical Castle, Thomas the Train set, Ride on Fishy, Dora beach towel(that she thought was a blanket so she laid down on the floor, covered herself up, and said, "night, night"), Dora bath toys, Princess Tea set, Shrek Kite, tons of cute clothes!, and much more! Thanks Uncle Matt, for putting her train and castle together!! Thanks to all of you for sharing so much!

Sharing so nicely with her friends, Claire and Molly! She even let them help her open her presents! Thank you, Lord, for such a sweet and kind little girl!

Blowing her first birthday candles out!

All 14 of us wearing our birthday hats while singing Happy Birthday to her while she was telling all of us that she is "2"!

And the highlight for Chris and I was when we were tucking Kendra into bed last night. We always pray with her, and lately she has been repeating after us each night (which we just love to hear)! Last night she surprised us by throwing in her own addition to the prayer. We were praying right along with Dear Jesus, thank you for my party, and for Your love, and she said, "and cake too!!!" lol Chris was laughing so hard his whole body was shaking:)! I was trying to hold it together and finish the prayer. So, I guess she LOVED her cake:)! We were just so blessed to hear her thank God for her cake all on her own:)! Those are just the things I wish we had on video.

Speaking of video...chris is hoping to throw one together so you can see footage from her day too.

Thank you so much to all of you for sharing in her special day with us. We love you all so much!