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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Kendra's Big Girl Bed!

We set Kendra's big girl bed up today, and she was so excited! We got it for free from a couple on Craigslist which is cool. Her crib transitions into a toddler bed as well as a full size bed, but we knew she would enjoy this house bed even more.
She kept saying "Big Girl" over and over while pretending to go to sleep. It was so cute. When her nap actually came, she wasn't too sure at first, but she ended up taking her first nap just fine in her new bed (2 1/2 hour nap:))!
So here are some fun shots from today in her new bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is growing up too fast! She does look like a "big girl" in her big girl bed. How cute!


6/05/2007 05:14:00 PM  
Blogger Leah Wentzel said...

cute, that is fun and nice that it was free :)

6/05/2007 09:32:00 PM  

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