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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Our Little Girl

Our little girl is almost two. It is so hard to believe. She is our little ham, and loves life. She gives everything all she has, and is such a sweet little girl. We are truly blessed with such a great kid. Praise God for an obedient, sweet, and fun little girl.
Who by the way when I ask her how old she is now will dramatically answer, "TWO!!!!". I need to video her saying it and post it for you all. It is so cute (but I am a proud mommy too:)).


Blogger Ans&Al said...

I love these pictures! The colours are beautiful! Where did you get Kendra's outfit?? It is adorable...I might have to buy it if I can!

6/04/2007 03:47:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

I got her the outfit at Target on clearance. It was so cheap! They did have a lot of different colors. I think I paid $3.00 for each piece, so $6 total. I love Target. Do you have Target?

6/04/2007 04:46:00 PM  
Blogger Ans&Al said...

we don't have target here:( it is so sad because it is my favorite store!! but I am going to the states on the 18th with my mom, sister and Grams to go wedding dress shopping, so I will have to go there! They do have the cutest stuff!

6/05/2007 08:25:00 AM  
Blogger Shelly Marie said...

These pictures are sooo cute!!!

6/07/2007 07:25:00 PM  

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