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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Easter Bunny & Lamb Pictures are Here!

Yes, they are real animals!! She had so much fun with them. I think it was her favorite portrait session yet:). The funniest part was when she was all done. The sheep was so glad to be done that she kicked off her diaper, yes, she was wearing a diaper (and Kendra thought that was so funny). Kendra immediately pointed and said, "aw, nuts!!" We were all cracking up.
There is one more picture, but I am not blogging that one right now b/c I am mailing it to all of you:)!
Love you guys!


Blogger Leah Wentzel said...

oh I love the one of her having a tea party with the bunny, so cute!

4/19/2007 06:51:00 PM  
Blogger Shelly Marie said...

The "tea party" one is soooo cute, but they are all cute! I bet it was hard to pick your favorite! =)

4/19/2007 07:06:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

Very hard!! The one I am mailing to everyone is so cute too. The bunny is sitting on her back, and she thought it was great! I will hopefully get them ready to mail out to everyone tomorrow. I babysit on Fridays, so we will see if I have time. For sure I will get them in the mail by next week!
Love you guys!

4/19/2007 09:53:00 PM  

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