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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New Family Photo Shoot!

Our business website desperately needed a new family photo, so we took some new shots today. We had such a fun time doing it too. Kendra always makes picture taking so much fun.
She was so cute. Everytime we would say, "ok, look at the light on the camera", she would look and pose with an adorable smile saying "cheese" the whole time. Crack us up! Then after our shots were done, she went right back up to the prop and started posing for us.
Yes, she is used to the camera, and loves to see her shots when we are done taking them...we are in BIG trouble!!!!lol


Blogger Leah Wentzel said...

I love these pictures. Next time you guys come up (or if we ever go down) I want you guys to do some pictures for us!

4/05/2007 03:47:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

We would LOVE to! I think a good idea would be you guys coming down...lol:)!!!

4/06/2007 05:07:00 PM  
Blogger Shelly Marie said...

I am hoping to come down when Lindsay has her baby, but I don't know I will bring Brookie. We will see! I really want to see your new place. =)

4/06/2007 10:23:00 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

Those are ADORABLE!!!! I love the one with you guys and alyssa has her arms around your necks. Too cute!

4/07/2007 11:04:00 AM  

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