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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My new niece!

Hannah Marie Phillips was born on November 22nd! 7 pounds and 6 ounces, 20 inches long!

We are so excited to have another girl in the family :)! What a cutie she is too. And a great baby so far too! What a blessing she is. I am going crazy as usual snapping pictures, and loving every minute :)! For a photo show go to www.cinematicimpressions.blogspot.com
I have a few put to music on our business blog too.


Blogger carissa said...

hi lyss,
so good to see Kendra's haircut. You live in such a great area for kids. I take mine to Tami Bennett's for their haircuts :) Loved the video too! Congrats on your photo shoots! I'm proud of you. They look so great.

12/01/2006 09:14:00 AM  

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