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Monday, February 26, 2007

4 Years already!

I cannot believe it has already been four years ago since Chris and I said "We do"! Time goes by so fast, and what a great reminder to us all to cherish each and every moment!!

Chris took me away for the weekend to Atlanta to celebrate, and it was great! We felt like a young dating couple again (yeah, I know...we are still, just don't always feel like it:)) My parents watched Kendra so she had fun too which always makes it easier on a mom to go away. Our hotel room was right downtown, so we walked to The Coke World, a fabulous Italian Restaurant called Azios, and we also went to the new Georgia Aquarium which was amazing! Friday night we also took the car for a quick trip to IKEA. Such a great store!!
They have the neatest things. Look at ikea.com sometime. Very good prices too!!FYI:)

I am so thankful that the Lord brought Chris into my life. He is the best husband, and daddy that we could ever ask for. So unselfish, loving, and a godly example to us daily! Thank you, Chris, for four wonderful years! We love you!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Love Playing with Kendra!

I love having a toddler at home, and just being able to play! Kendra still loves going outside, and I am so thankful I don't have to bundle her up (and me too!). Yesterday she got the biggest kick out of just tearing the leaves apart, and holding them up into the wind to see them fly.

She absolutely loves Winnie the Pooh, and Bob (Veggie Tales) right now! Whenever we are not reading, coloring, playing outside, throwing the dog's bone, or eating, we are watching Veggie Tales or Winnie the Pooh! Her new favorite thing to say from the Winnie the Pooh movie is "Aw, nuts!" Because all the acorns fall out of the tree, and she always yells..."Aw nuts!"

She also loves to play with her new Leapster game system from Grandma and Grandpa Wentzel...as you can see in the picture :)!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

More pics!

Some of these are from Christmas with my family, and I am just now getting around to posting them. Oh, well, better late than never:)!
Hannah Marie is getting so big. It was fun for me to see these pics tonight. She is already almost 3 months old...wow! I am actually going to have a photo session with her and Kendra next week for her 3 month pics, so I will be sure to post some of them.

I love the pictures of Kendra with her TMX Elmo too. She just loves him! I will post some more tomorrow hopefully. I have so many fun pics to post still.
Especially the new pics of Kendra out in the snow...yes, we got some actual snow:)!

Kendra loves her Daddy!

Kendra absolutely loves to play with her Daddy! They have a special bond! Chris taught her the new "forehead" game which is so cute. They bonk foreheads and say "dude"...I just love it!:)

My girls!

I just love watching Hayley on Fridays, and so does Kendra! It is so nice to have a little girl for Kendra to play with.
One of my favorite songs by Rachel Lampa is called Blessed, and I must say...I am so blessed!

The Motherly Instinct

Grandma & Grandpa Wentzel bought Kendra the cutest little bear for Christmas. It cries when it needs its bottle, and then will fall asleep after you feed it (and it actually snores:))!
Kendra just loves it! And her little motherly instinct kicks in full gear! She doesn't like it when he cries, and rushes to get the bottle to put him to sleep. She had just woken up from her nap the other day (notice the bed head:)), and she ran to find her bear so I snapped some quick pics to post. Yes, Mike, she actually has NO BOW in her hair in the top picture :) lol!

Puppets for Christ!

I just love the Chick Fil-A Restaurants down here! They do neat things for kids each week, and one of the things they do is Puppets for Christ. So, we get Kendra the Chicken Kids Meal, and chill and watch the show. She just LOVES IT! She is always very sad when it is over!
They have a cute story line, and sing to many great songs...even some of the old Patch the Pirate from when I was a kid! How funny!

Veggie Tales Play Doh!

Kendra just loves to play with her Veggie Tales Play Doh set!! Chris had to hide it in the closet for a while so we don't hear Kendra saying "Bob, Bob, Bob..."non stop :)!
It is the cutest play doh set though! It came with so many neat things, and the play doh will actually look like Veggie Tales (not like my play doh sets when I was a kid)!
Maybe I will get it out of the closet again this week one day...we'll see! She does do well with it though. None has gone into her mouth for too long yet!:)

We are going to try Art class at Gymboree this week, so that will be fun too! I will see if I can post some of those pics later.