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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Almost Two!

We had such a great Father's Day today! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful daddy! Tonight we had everyone over for steaks etc. on the grill (Chris' choice), and then Black Cherry ice cream for dessert (my dad's choice:)). While Chris was the "Grill Master" (as he calls himself), we were playing with Kendra and the video camera. We caught her saying a few cute phrases.

She is becoming quite the little talker. "What's that noise" is one of her favorite sentences to say. She has always been so sensitive to noises, and now she can ask us, "What's that noise?" :) Caryl taught her to say "What's up, Baby" yesterday when she was watching her, and she says "What's up, Papi" etc. too. She also likes to say "Peace Baby", and my favorite thing she said today was "Crazy, Daddy!":) and my new favorite thing to hear her say every day is "Hold you, Daddy" when she wants daddy to cuddle with her. I just love that!!!

We love you all, and we hope you had a nice Father's Day as well.

Thank you, Chris, for being such a great husband, and daddy. WE love you so much!

By the way, she was obsessed throughout the whole video with her green cherry tomato she picked from outside:). She loves to pick and eat the tomatoes off our plants...even if they are green. I caught her tonight, and it was on the island. That is why she says yucky tomato, and was trying to climb up throughout the whole video:).


Blogger Leah Wentzel said...

Yea! A new post from our swamped videographers! Thanks for the new video of Kendra & her phrases, so cute to see how much she can say now. Tell Chris Happy Father's Day!

Love you guys!

6/17/2007 11:24:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

Yes, we are swamped to say the least:)! But glad we are swamped, and not slow!!! Praise God!

Love you too! Thanks for Kendra's birthday gift. I love Tupperware! Who was selling that?

6/18/2007 02:23:00 PM  
Blogger Leah Wentzel said...

A friend of mine at church was passing around magazines for a friend of hers (I don't know her name) and since Kendra enjoys food so much I thought it would be fun to have cute stuff just for her. Kobe always liked to eat things out of little kid containers when he was little, he acted like suddenly it tasted better or something.

I hope she likes it, I know it was a little "practical" for a two year old, but I am sure she will get tons of toys from everyone else :)

6/18/2007 02:53:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

Yes, she does love to eat out of her special bowls:). The other day I was giving her her routine snack, but this particular day I gave her the snack on a plain plate. She kept saying, "bowl, mommy, special bowl...":)
So, yes, she loves it...Thanks!:)

6/18/2007 09:58:00 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Adam was looking over my shoulder and said, "Whose girl is that? She is so adorable!" We loved hearing all her new words and especially how she said "Crazy Daddy"!
I loved hearing your laugh again. You know you have such a contagious smile and laugh, and it seems that Kendra is taking after her mommy!
It was great to hear your family in the background. Your dad really made an impact on my life during my college days. You all must love being where it is warm all the time instead of those miserable winters in WI!

6/20/2007 08:24:00 PM  
Blogger Wentzel Weekly said...

So good to hear from you again! I am going to check your blog out after this too:).

Yes, we love living here!!! Don't miss the cold at all:)!

6/20/2007 10:37:00 PM  

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