Wentzel Weekly

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Count Down to Myrtle Beach!
Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kendra's Bday Invitation

Since Kendra loves animals so much we decided to make her bday invitation with her in the midst of her "friends". She then requested for Dora and Diego to be in there with her too:)!
So fun! Thanks, Chris, for making that for her. You are so creative!

Kendra's New Game

Kendra loves to hide herself in any closet she can, but she really loves Daddy's equipment closet b/c of all the blankets! She kept opening and closing the door, and she would just sit in there, or pretend she was asleep. If I would open it early, she would smile while signing and saying, "more, more":)! (as you can see in the picture)

Chris was in his office working so he snapped some cute pictures of her playing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kendra's Surprise Today!

Grandma and Grandpa Wentzel sent Kendra a fun filled package that she got in the mail today. She was so excited as you can see all over her face in the picture I shot as she saw inside:)!
Everyone that came over found out about the box as soon as they walked in the door. I captured some fun moments as she opened up the box. She just couldn't wait for me to cut open the box. As soon as I did, her face just lit up. "Oh, boy", "surprise", "BUGS!!!", "Shrek, donkey, kitty cat", "eat, candy!", "open", "kiss" (as she was giving her chick a kiss), "Bawk, bawk" (you can actually see her lips in motion getting ready to say it in the picture:)), and "balls" were a few of the things she said as she opened her box. As you can see in the pictures she was in the pool when the box came to our door, so she was still in her swim suit as she dug into it:)! Notice the pictures of her eating her "balls" candy. She loved those! Her tongue was digging them out of the package. She was cracking me up.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the box of goodies! Kendra really enjoyed it. Thank you for your constant love and prayers. We love you so much!

My Birthday Party!

We had such a great time for my birthday party. I just love spending time with my family. For those of you who know my dad really well, I put the picture of him in there with his finger up in the air for you:). He was telling a story, and I happened to capture him at the right moment!:) All you past soccer players will love that!!
I also love the picture of Hannah Marie with her nose wrinkled. And then I put a new picture of Caryl in there too with her great boyfriend, Matt.
Kendra was having fun playing with Aunt Devon's bracelets too. We had a big barbeque, thanks, Chris:)! He was the master griller! We had so much good food! Everyone brought something yummy...chips and dip, deviled eggs, burger, hot dogs, potato salad, tabouli, guacomole, fruit salad, and thanks, Ceej, for the incredible chocolate cake worth every calorie:)!!

Thanks all, for a great Birthday! I love you all so much!

One of My Favorite Birthday presents!

My brother James had an artist do a pencil drawing of a picture of Kendra for me. I just love it:) Kendra does too:)!

The Look

Kendra was giving her daddy the look he so loves, and i caught it:)! Love it:)

Papi and his girls!

What a great Papi! Kendra and Hannah love him so much, and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. Thank you dad, for being not only a fun Papi, but also a gentle, loving, and caring Papi too. We love you!

Friday, May 25, 2007

"More, more, more!"

Yesterday the North Hills Community Church (where we attend) had a big last get together picnic for all the boys and families that were in the After School Program that I have been a part of since February. So, I brought Kendra (Chris was working). She had so much fun cheering the boys on in soccer and basketball. The hard part was keeping her from running on the field.

She would get so into the games (my dad would've been so proud)! She would say "ohhhh" when they would miss a shot, and clap when anyone would score while saying "Yea!!!" It was great:). She dragged around the ball bag for a bit too wanting to take them all out.

Another highlight was Fruit Punch! They had big coolers with water, lemonade, and fruit punch in them. Kendra has never had red punch before, and she had her first taste. She wasn't too sure about it. It was cute:)! She chowed down a hot dog from the grill, and just had a blast! She had the cutest rosey cheeks when we were done. Wish I had a picture of that. It was 80+ degrees out there.

But, here are a couple of shots of her signing more, and laughing as I am throwing a soccer ball "high" (as she requests) in the air.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Kendra's "Gecko"!!!

Daddy caught her a "gecko" as she says in our front yard today. She was so excited! She absolutely LOVES lizards, snakes, frogs, etc. She is an animal lover to say the least! So she kept saying "hold him" while holding her hands out in front of her (wish I had that part on camera:)).

Chris being the wonderful Daddy that he is decided to take a family ride down to Pet's Mart to get a "house" for her new pet. She was so excited!

Enjoy the video of putting the "gecko's" home together while Kendra was watching and snacking on her raisins:)!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Our weekend!

We had a very busy and eventful weekend in Savannah, GA! It was great! We filmed and shot a wedding there. The pictures turned out great, and they were fun to work with. Their reception was at Vic's on the River, and it was just beautiful!
Chris loved his Prime Rib dinner they had (so did I:)).

We drove back after the wedding b/c we didn't want to stay another night away from Kendra (it was already 2 nights gone), so that brought us home at 6 am..yikes! We were so tired, and Kendra was so excited we were home hearing us, she wanted up at 6:20. So we slept when she had her afternoon nap, crazy day! But it was so nice to see her again, and we enjoyed it together!

I will be posting some pics as soon as I can. The cameras and other computer are busy with work stuff right now, but I wanted to at least give you all an update.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Today's shot!

Kendra's game of the day was Peek a Boo! She asked me to play it with her continually today:)! We blew bubbles, went swimming, and had lunch with Daddy!

It was a nice uneventful day:)! We need those once in a while.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kendra & Haley!

Kendra and her best friend Haley got to play yesterday, and had a blast!

They played in the pool, and got so dirty that then they needed a bath, so I did their hair all silly, and they giggled together for a while about it:)! I had so much fun with them yesterday! They had matching swim suits too just by chance! That was cool, and they looked oh, so cute in them:)!

They get along so well. Each would take turns going down the slide into the pool, shared bubbles, and Kendra even gave her a frog and gecko (which are very special to her:)) to Haley to take home with her. So sweet, and such buddies!

Then, after their naps, we found a lady bug, and had fun playing with him until we let him go outside again. We just had a busy and fun day!

We Love You, Haley! Can't wait to see you again!

Our Little Ham

Kendra once again being a ham, and posing for pictures. She saw the camera in the office, and said, "Please, Mommy, cheese!" So I said ok, let's take some pictures. She was running around laughing while I was snapping shots, and then she would run back to "see":)! She cracks us up! I have new video of her from yesterday that is great, and I am hoping to be able to post it for you all soon!

sorry about the crooked picture! didn't have time to re- do it in photo shop. :)

Kendra' Room in the works

Here are a couple of shots of Kendra's room still in progress, and her Big Girl bed is soon to come! It is so cute with a house headboard. Someone gave it to us, so that was another blessing, and then it just happened to match her bedroom theme perfectly. I need to still put all her cute little things up like her shelf, pictures, and hand cut letters that spell her name that Daddy made for her. I just love them! We just haven't had a second to do it yet. I will post more pics once all the rooms are all done. We need to finish painting our room still. We used the Ralph Lauren paint that is suede finish, and takes some work to do. Looks great when done, but we haven't had time to do more than one wall so far.

It is really looking nice, and is sure a blessing to have such a nice home. Kendra loves the big yard, and our screened in porch is great too! Chris bought me a wicker furniture set for the porch for Mother's Day! What a nice surprise that was:)!
We love our neighborhood, and have kind neighbors. Our one lady right next door to us does not speak English, so once again I wish I knew Spanish :).

We are surrounded by neighbors who go to different churches in the area, so that is nice too. I have had many offer to watch Kendra anytime I need help, but you know me...I don't leave her with just anyone:)! But, anyways, all that to say God has blessed us in a great neighborhood with a great house!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Yea, a NEW POST!

Well, we finally have internet/email here at our new house. It was quite an ordeal, so we are just glad to have it again. I have so much to post, and yes, Leah, too many pictures to try and post too:). lol!!!

These pictures Chris just took of Kendra on Sunday morning as we were getting ready for church. She didn't know he was taking them until the last picture. She was trying to put on Chris' shorts. What a riot it was to watch her do so. She kept saying, "wear, wear, wear, Daddy's" as she was trying to get them to stay on. She finally managed to get into one leg of them, and then at last held them up for a final shot:)! It was so funny!

She is growing up to fast as I always say, and she is such a great kid! What a sweetie, and a blessing she is! She will be two in a little over a month now...crazy! She is talking like crazy, and LOVES her pool! Loves to play with her sticky frogs and geckos, read books, play outside in the yard, go shopping (yea!!), and play with her best friend, Haley.

Love you all...more pics to come! Especially of our house!