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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"His name is BOZ spelled B-O-Z"

I picked up a new video for Kendra at Family Christian Bookstore the other day, and let me just say that it was a great purchase! She loves it, and so do I! It teaches so many great things, and it really makes her giggle which I always love to hear. There are a lot of songs, a whole family (mom & dad), twins who get along:), and the big green bear, Boz who Kendra loves!

They pray at the close of each episode which I really like too. They show family mealtime all together again with prayer too.
Kendra's video is called Friends & Helpers...
For those of you with Pre-schoolers...Try them! They are great! Go to http://www.bozthebear.com/products/overview.asp for more information:)!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Love this picture!

I am on my way out the door, so I cannot post much, but to say that I LOVE this picture:)!

Zac on the Drums!

I know many of you do not know Zac, but knew you would get a blessing out of this so I am posting it. We sang in church last Sunday (my dad, Caryl, and I). That in and of itself was special to us, but then a little boy named Zac played the drums during our song.

The cool thing about this is that he is only 7 years old!

God can and wants to use "little guys" too...WHAT A BLESSING!
And how cute is he? Huh?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Easter Bunny & Lamb Pictures are Here!

Yes, they are real animals!! She had so much fun with them. I think it was her favorite portrait session yet:). The funniest part was when she was all done. The sheep was so glad to be done that she kicked off her diaper, yes, she was wearing a diaper (and Kendra thought that was so funny). Kendra immediately pointed and said, "aw, nuts!!" We were all cracking up.
There is one more picture, but I am not blogging that one right now b/c I am mailing it to all of you:)!
Love you guys!


One of Kendra's favorite things to do with Papi and Daddy is "Fly"! As soon as she sees them she says..."fly, fly, fly"! And wow, does Papi and Daddy fly her high!
She says, "oh, boy!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Peek a Boo!

Kendra just loves playing Peek a Boo on the front porch. She never grows tired of it. I was practicing with the camera again yesterday, so I captured some fun moments with her. Each time she plays peek a boo, she has to stick her leg up behind her. It just cracks me up.

She really keeps us laughing! Almost 2 more months until she is two!! Wow, where did the time go?

Kendra's "mommy" haircut

I am still working on getting Kendra's hair all one length, and let me just say it is quite a process. Yesterday I decided to cut her hair myself. I strapped her in her booster seat, and snipped away. I cut 2 inches off the back so it is getting closer to being one length...yea!


Kendra just loves Winnie the Pooh videos, however, they have now given her a fear of bees:)! She gets very concerned for Winnie and his friends when the bees are chasing them. Anyways, yesterday while we were playing outside a HUGE bumble bee came around. Being the "awful" mother I am, I just had to snap a picture because it cracked me up:)! I know that is horrible isn't it?

Notice in the picture the bee on the top left. Kendra was so scared to move she just kept yelling "no, mommy...bee, bee, bee"...lol! Great picture, I thought! And it was quite comical, really:)!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Stylin" in her bunny shades!

Kendra was cracking me up today in her bunny shades. She was posing for the camera cocking her head a little different each time and of course saying "cheese", and then running over to the camera to see herself (as usual). If you would like a pair of these stylish shades, I am sure you could still find them clearanced in the stores:). I found these at Hobby Lobby. One of my favorite stores down here!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Brynlie's Birth Announcement!

Isn't this the cutest? My best friend in Michigan had her second baby girl, and her husband made her new birth announcement, and I just knew you all would love to see it too since it is just too cute!!!

Kendra & Eden!

Kendra just loves Eden (my sister Caryl's dog). The other day she gave her a bath, and just thought it was great! She really enjoyed dumping the water on her "like mommy does" to Kendra! Then she enjoyed cuddling with her after the bath was all done. What a sweet picture!

Oh, by the way, I got some new Easter pictures done of Kendra the other day, but they won't be in for a couple of weeks. I actually took her to a studio that had live bunnies AND LAMBS! Once I get them back, I will post them. They turned out really cute, and she had so much fun with the animals. I will fill you in on all the details in a couple of weeks when I post the pictures.

Our new house

Many of you have asked to see the before picture of our house. Before we did the work. I dug one up today...so here it is. Very white before!! (and check out the big old track lighting that was there) I like it so much better now, and we are having so much fun making it ours now too.

I have also included a couple of pictures of the outside for those who wanted to see that as well. We will (Lord willing) be in our new place in a couple of weeks (or sooner). As soon as we get it all painted, and ready we will started moving stuff in. HOW FUN!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New Family Photo Shoot!

Our business website desperately needed a new family photo, so we took some new shots today. We had such a fun time doing it too. Kendra always makes picture taking so much fun.
She was so cute. Everytime we would say, "ok, look at the light on the camera", she would look and pose with an adorable smile saying "cheese" the whole time. Crack us up! Then after our shots were done, she went right back up to the prop and started posing for us.
Yes, she is used to the camera, and loves to see her shots when we are done taking them...we are in BIG trouble!!!!lol

Monday, April 02, 2007

Our New House!

Our new house is starting to look like our own! Matt and Lindsey said it looks a lot like a Starbucks which is ok by us. We had a fun and profitable weekend working on it. The kitchen/great room are almost done being painted, and Chris and Matt hung the new track lights. They look great! After a lot of goofing around with the old track lights(from the 1970's:)), they decided to get "serious" and hang the new ones:). Linds and I tried to keep the boys in line. And as many of you know...that is a HARD task!:) Ask Chris about the paint on the ceiling, and Matt about the paint on our brand new carpet!!!:)
Thanks to Lindsey, the paint on the carpet is gone, but the ceiling still has a brown polka dot for some reason.
We are hoping to get the rest of the painting done soon. And will post more pictures as more work gets done.
Thanks, Matt and Lindsey for all of your help (& Ellie coming soon...August '07)!
And, if anyone in the upstate ever needs a GREAT agent contact:
Cindy Summer,
REALTORShelltree Realty
(864) 915-6757 - mobile(864) 284-9512 cindysummer@charter.net

She was so helpful and knowledgeable! I actually worked at Northland with her in the Bookstore, isn't that funny?